
Real-Time Data Analytics
What Is Real-Time Data Analytics (And How It Helps Projects)?

“All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. If we want different results, we must change the way we do things.” - Tom Northup Is your projec…

stakeholder communication plan
How to Craft a Perfect Stakeholder Communication Plan

A robust stakeholder communication plan is a must, especially in project management. But what if you skip the stakeholder communication strategy? You risk wasting time and effort.…

Project Schedule Management Plan
How to Develop a Strong Project Schedule Management Plan

Have you ever wondered why an astonishing 52% of companies are “somewhat or very dissatisfied” with their organization's current level of project manager maturity? The harsh realit…

Early Warning Systems
Want to Improve Project Outcomes? Early Warning Systems Can Help

Did you know that a Harvard Business Review report found that a staggering one in six IT projects experiences a cost overrun of 200% and a schedule overrun of 70%? These delays and…

Reactive to Proactive: Manage Project Risks Like an Expert!

Managing project risks. It isn’t an exciting or pleasant topic, you think? As a project leader, your foremost responsibility is to anticipate and mitigate potential pitfalls that c…

AI for risk management
AI for Project Risk Management: Empower Your Decisions Now!

According to a recent Forrester report, by 2025, every enterprise company will utilize artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to manage risks. Risk management has traditionally dep…

customer centric strategies
Customer-Centric Strategies: How to Maximize Your Business Reach

In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, the potency of customer-centric strategies is unequivocal—a decisive factor separating the trailblazers from the laggards. However,…

Early Warning Signs
Early Warning Signs: Spot the Red Flags, Ensure Project Success

Projects do not become troubled overnight. Most of us have seen projects take the slippery slope from "green" to "yellow" to "red," and along the way, there are plenty of warning s…

Decision Intelligence
Five Must-Know Tips for Implementing Decision Intelligence

Imagine predicting project success with unmatched precision. Gartner presents a compelling prediction: nearly one-third of large organizations will weave decision intelligence (DI)…